Stephen Marsh February 2020 - “A Hobby that has grown wildly out of control”

Stephen Marsh who is the founder of Pinkster Gin, described to our members and guests how his hobby had grown wildly out of control. Stephen spoke about how a personal stomach problem caused by yeast and sugar led to the creation of one of the UK’s leading independent premium gins; enabling him to step off the corporate ladder and run a successful business from home.

Pinkster is made with fresh, locally grown raspberries in Newton, near Cambridge. Pinkster is described as deliciously dry with a hint of real raspberry . Members learnt about the importance of ‘spanking the mint” and how there are 15 teaspoons of sugar in Gordons gin. Stephen also spoke about the rise of ‘quality’ tonic and how this had helped the popularity of gin.

Our talk with Stephen was unfortunately our last talk for many months a along with the rest of the UK as we navigated the effects of the Covid 19 outbreak.


Emma Rous- guest of honour at our first literary lunch